Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Am recovering from a serious case of food poisoning..well atleast that's what I've been telling myself. Went on a date with my good old friend Mr. Smirnoff the other night, and woke up with a massive case of morning-after blues. Combined with a bit of soup and pasta, it was one big party in the tummy. Was on survival mode yesterday, and am functioning now.

Have decided to take some time off from Smirnoff and Jim Bean. Figured we both could use a healthy break. Aside from that...also suffering from an acute case of blogger's block. Looking for my muse. Applications are currently being accepted.

PS: Happy Birthday Neha!!!
Gulp..Burp...Oops...'xuse me :)


Anonymous said...

Well.. food poisoning?? Dont we all know better? The poor innocent child was walking around meadows with that cute little mountain dew bottle, and what was in that? Totally harmless orange juice, or so they say. And know what? Surprisingly nowadays orange juice gives next day morning blues, The spjcm loo had the privilege of spending the day with Aditi..well atleast the first half, the next half.... hee hee hee, no comments :)

NN said...

hey but mountain dew and green apple are still allowed right!

Quirkilicious said...

*Little* bottle???
Babe...OFCOURSE it wasent orange juice in the mountain dew bottle...It was mountain dew!! I some additives :)
More adventure at the Meadows!!

Fanaah said...

Ummmm...didnt u know that Jimmy n Smirnoff arent the best of friends? Well but we are yours-to take care of you :)

Suderman said...


Anonymous said...

Just some stuff i got from google. What happenes when u combine a high caffine drink like Mountain Dew with alcohol.

Caffeine has no effects against the alcohol, both compounds will remain in
>the person. The alcohol is a depressant and will make the person tired,
>caffeine will only make them awake but they would remain intoxicated. time
is the only real effect to neutralize alcohol.

So next time you want to get high and not waste the high in dreamland use Mountain Dew as the base.....

navin said...

Yeah me had this relation 7 yrs ago with Mr.Napolean and the Pazhaiya Munnivar (old monk) I miss them now....all I get here is ABSOLUTion and its not bliss...:)
glad to know that you are in functioning mode now.

Anonymous said...

They say... God gave us alcohol, so we'd stay happy... Seems like you got too much of a good thing... Chill out next time babe... The world's alcohol supply is currently limitless and seems to be near inexhaustible...

Quirkilicious said...

HA HA..this from the Master Himself!! :D

Anonymous said...

aiyo pavam..take care...home u get well soon

Anonymous said...

Well aditi, i guess u should just stick to milk !!!

Quirkilicious said...

*snif* *snif*...thanks vk..feeling much better now. Although have decided to continue with the break up for a bit more.

Karthik - I think I might actually consider that option...say in about...20 YEARS!!! he he