Saturday, December 24, 2005

Stem Cell Research Stems Controversy

“The resignation of leading stem cell scientist Woo Suk Hwang from Seoul National University in South Korea marks the end of a career which would surely have been crowned with a Nobel prize had it not been tainted by fraud.”
The Guardian

“A scientist today issued an apology as he resigned from South Korea's top university after the school announced he had fabricated results in stem cell research that had raised hopes of new cures for hard-to-treat diseases.”
Associated Press

"It's very sad for science wherever there's a story like this," says Robin Lovell-Badge, a leading stem cell scientist at the Medical Research Council's National Institute for Medical Research in Mill Hill, London. "The people who are against this type of research will jump on it, but that's very unfair."
The Guardian

Why?? The end of a brilliant career? Perhaps. So what makes a person do something like this? The lure of fame, and the call of a Nobel Prize? Who knows? Where-in lays thy fate dear friend?

Friday, December 16, 2005

The Guru

Ok, so last week was eventful. Finally we retail kids were allowed out of our cages into the big bad jungle. We volunteered at the annual Middle Eastern Council of Shopping Centers (MECSE). Conference was at the Juimerah Beach Hotel - which in itself was fantastic! We did a lot of productive networking, and things seem to have panned out rather nicely.

To top it all, we got to attend a talk by 'Paco Underhill' the GURU of consumer behavior. What a treat! Yummy food, good conversations, and great networking...certainly a satisfying week.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Happy Holy-Days!

Yes..Its that time of the year again. With Christmas coming up, New Year’s around the corner, my birthday in January (for some reason, I no longer look forward to my Birthday (the gifts are ok!!). I think its an evil day where people remind you that you are growing one year older, are still single – and need to be married off ASAP!), and Valentine’s Day not too far away, there is absolutely nothing that can stop one from falling either into the holiday cheer, or a dose of self obsessive pity. Hmm..I almost feel like Bridget Jones…maybe I’ll be eaten by an Alsatian:)

Anyway, this is going to be my first Christmas here in Dubai, and from the looks of it I’ll be celebrating New Year’s here as well – although am still in the process of trying to convince the parents to allow me to come home.

Ok, so Christmas always brings back fond memories. Ever since we were young, we’ve always celebrated Christmas. My parents and friends would exchange gifts, and there would be parties to attend. This was especially wonderful, coz I’d get gifts for both Christmas AND my Birthday! (Ughh…still don’t want to think about that!) Those were fun days. Now however, Christmas has become a money making business. Exchanging gifts is sometimes soo superficial – way too commercialized.

Nevertheless, the spirit and cheer of Christmas always brings a smile to my face. Even in this desert country, it’s wonderful to hear the Christmas music following you down the aisles of the malls. Truly awesome!

Hmm…all this talk about Christmas just brought to my mind an old song we used to sing. Well, a 'lil twist to the old caroll – yet oh so perfect! This is how it goes…

Deck the Hall with Gasoline…
Falalalalaaa lalalala
Light a Match, and see it Gleam..
Falalalalaaa lalalala
Watch the School Burn Down to Ashes…
Falalaa Falalaa lalalala
Isn’t it Fun to Play with Matches!!
Falalalalaaa lalalala

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Wake up, Dress up...SMILE...CLICK!!

Ever noticed how an outfit can totally change the personality of a person? Over the years, I’ve become this kind of a dress addict that loves to dress for an occasion. Some people love to blog, others cook…I dress-up.

Nope, I was not always like that. I remember the days of boarding school where I would be one of the boys. With the short shaggy hair, and long loose t-shirts. Yep, you’d always find me with the boys – climbing trees, playing, and ofcourse teasing the girls! The parents claim that I had them rather worried there for sometime. As is the case with everything in life, seasons change, and so did I. Sometimes I wonder if it was an overnight thing…did I just wake up one morning with an urge to wear make-up and a mini skirt?

Anyway, getting back to the topic, today happens to be “Ethnic Day” at college. Basically another day, for a bunch of Vetti* (jobless) people to dress up and prance about college. I woke up at an ungodly hour, thinking I’d beat my roomie to the bathroom, and take a leisurely bath. Apparently everyone had the same damn idea. So yeah, as usual ended up waiting.

After quick shower and lot of struggling (liberally sprinkled with profanity), I finally managed to wrap a Sari around myself, and congratulated myself on my good work. All this just in time to catch the bus to college. THIS was another ordeal. Getting onto the bus wearing a sari was like climbing Mount Everest!

Morning time at college was like a Kalyana Mandapam (Marriage Hall). Suddenly all the girls who usually wear jeans, skirts etc were decked up in all their finery. There was an unusually large amount of giggling happening. After an eventful photo session, we all got down to the business of attending class. It just struck me today, that in a different outfit and a different setting, we become different people. All dressed up today, everyone started hugging and kissing one another (the girls! You perverts!!) – you’d think that we were meeting after months! Next was the photo session – Its rather funny you know, in a different outfit one is more than happy to be clicking snaps with people one would otherwise politely ignore in the normal course of a day! I found myself grinning widely into the camera with people whom I have not spoken more than 2 sentences. Who knows, maybe it’s a narcissistic thing. Yippie! I’m in a snap – Who cares who I’m with!!

Anyway, the day turned out rather uneventful otherwise. Blogging was probably the most productive thing I did today. Hmm…I guess maybe it wasn’t such a wasted day after all.

*Vetti – A new word that’s been added to my vocabulary - Curtsy of China

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Am recovering from a serious case of food poisoning..well atleast that's what I've been telling myself. Went on a date with my good old friend Mr. Smirnoff the other night, and woke up with a massive case of morning-after blues. Combined with a bit of soup and pasta, it was one big party in the tummy. Was on survival mode yesterday, and am functioning now.

Have decided to take some time off from Smirnoff and Jim Bean. Figured we both could use a healthy break. Aside from that...also suffering from an acute case of blogger's block. Looking for my muse. Applications are currently being accepted.

PS: Happy Birthday Neha!!!
Gulp..Burp...Oops...'xuse me :)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Home Is Where The Heart Is

This one comes from one of my favorite cities in the world – Chennai!! Yep – I love Chennai. I may be in any country, but I always feel a sense of home coming every time I arrive at Chennai. Today, I am on transit – heading back to Dubai for my second (and final) semester of college. I got into Chennai early this morning. Had four hours before catching my flight out. Decided to make full use of it by visiting couple of my relatives, having some yummy lunch and juicy conversation. (There is nothing like having a chat session with the relatives. Always feels good to catch up on the family gossip.)

Looks like it has been pouring in Chennai last couple of days. Totally gloomy outside. It’s a perfect day to be curled up in a blanket and having a bowl of piping hot soup. The city of course is as usual bursting with life – A ‘lil rain never stopped Chennaites!! The only way for me to describe the roads in Chennai is “Organized Chaos.” It’s one of those things that works very well here. I doubt a system such of this would ever work in US or Dubai. People would probably go nuts!

Chennai to me has this awesome fusion of old world charm together with modernization. Oh, I’m sure it would never compare to a Mumbai or a Bangalore, but makes its own statement. I have been in and out of Chennai since 1993, and it never fails to amaze me. The city changes just a teeny bit each time I am here. I can almost say that I have seen the city evolving – at an excitingly fast pace.

People who said that there is nothing except Idli, Dosa and Nalli Silk Sari in Chennai better beware. This city has a habit of creeping up on you, and before you know it – you’ll become a Chennaite at heart. The city offers the whole nine yards – eating joints, night life, and entertainment – yep, it’s all there! So, the next time you get a chance, make sure you drop in. Who knows, you may even decide to stay back!

Ok – enough of Chennai bragging.

So, after a quick lunch, I rushed back to the airport only to realize that the flight is delayed by 2 hours! Damn!!! One of the things that I dislike is waiting at the airport to catch a flight. Although, I must say that I am totally impressed. The airport has been done up since my last visit – exactly one year back. A lot cleaner and efficient – very nice... Oh, and also some younger and cute staff working here. I like!!!

Oh, looks like my flight has been called. Gotta run. Will post his ASAP. Next posting from Dubai!! Adieu….

Friday, November 04, 2005

Random Thoughts

Been wanting to post for quite sometime now, but honestly have not had the time ever since I landed at KLIA. Coming home after 4 months was amazing. It was nice being pampered for a change. A welcome break after a crazy first semester!! Can't believe its almost time to go back.

Diwali was wonderful. I got to spend Diwali with the folks after 6 years! Even got to burst crackers!!(It's banned in Malaysia). Finally caught up on sleep also! No cell-phone, no alarm clock, no snooze button - Ah Bliss! Good food, good movies and sleep - what else can I possible ask for?

So much has happened since I started college in Dubai. I've met people from various backgrounds - so different, yet so similar. I felt I'd changed a lot. However, a smile from mom and dad, and all apprehensions went flying! Nope - I'm still me. I'm still the quirky, talkative, flirty, fun loving and at times bull headed person. And I'm still loved - Just the way I am!

I know this comes a little late - nevertheless Happy Diwali and Eid Mubarak :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Curtain Descends

Yes!! Its official - With the end of the SGP presentations today, I can finally say that this LONG and arduous semester has finally come to an end. Well, it's a different issue that we all got jacked in our presentations today. Honestly! it felt as if Dwari got onto the flight from Mumbai and decided to screw all of us over. I could actually see an evil glee in his eyes just before each team got ready to present.

I guess I'm feeling a lil nostalgic right now. I'm actually going to miss my class, and all the interesting characters - hmm...maybe not ALL ...(although rumor is that one of them is going to be joining our specialization. Damn!! WHY did it have to be HIM of all people?!!). I'm beginning to think that there is no God after all!

Past couple of weeks have been rather eventful. A lot going on here- some good, some bad. Nevertheless I survived. A yummy Navarathri lunch 2 days back revved up 'ol engine, and got me ready to face the next 2 weeks. We start comprehensive exams tomorrow. As usual I've yet to open my books. *Yawn* - sleepy as usual. Ok, time for a short nap before the torture begins :-) 2 weeks I'll be home, lounging in bed, eating good food, getting pampered - the works!! Mummy - clean up the 'ol room...I'm coming HOME!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

A New Look....

Yes! Its time for a new look. Brushed up, cleaned up and spurced up. Moving with the times, here comes the all new and quirky blog.

Kudos to Neha - Thanks for your html input :)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Frustrated? Perhaps....

It’s been just a little over three months since this leg of my life’s journey began. It’s been a bumpy ride thus far, and I only expect it to get bumpier. After all a wise person once said..” The road to success is always under construction.” Sad, yet true.

So what is this obsession that Indian B-Schools have with exams? In the past 3 months, I may have written close to 12 exams!! That never happened in school or during my undergrad. So here I’m thinking (after spending a god awful amount of moolah!) it really worth it? When I go in for recruitment, is the company going to ask me my GPA or will they be assessing my competencies? Am I not supposed to be groomed to be a manager, a citizen of the world? Sure, anyone can memorize the formula for WACC and BETA, but what about learning how to network or to have an intelligent conversation? Now there’s a question.

During a typical week here, we have atleast 2-3 quizzes a day, about 2 group assignments and ofcourse one exam. Then there is the fact that the mid-term exam is usually held after 1 week of classes, while the end-term is the following week! Oh, and they expect us to learn all the in’s and out’s of financial management in 2 weeks FLAT! Hmm..if I could do that, would I really be here?

About the management here…what can I say, except – over worked and under-paid. Our course coordinator is a really nice guy, but seems to be everyone’s punching bag. Definitely would not want HIS job. Then there is the man who calls himself the “Warden.” I call him greaseball! Has an advantage though. No one here actually understands a word he speaks, which means he gets away by doing a lot of nothing. So, there you go. An interesting snapshot of my life.

Hmm…looks like this one has turned out to be a bitch session. Probably coz I have 2 exams tomorrow, and no inclination to study. Productivity level today seems to be pretty damn low. So it’s time for me to motivate myself and actually get something done. Till later then…Au Revoir!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Baby, Oops – I mean B-School Bloomers

So exactly what are we doing here? Here I am in class thoroughly bored, and ignoring the lecturer droning on and on about something or the other. God knows what he is talking about – well God, and a couple of people here who seem to be sitting at the edge of their seats, ready to answer a question. Then again there are those, who just love some attention. For some odd reason – only known to them, they feel the uncontrollable urge to constantly speak up in class. Mind you, it makes no difference to them that what they ask or say is of any relevance. Nevertheless it just has to be said, and all of us poor souls here have to grit our teeth in frustration while our dear friends take the opportunity to enjoy their 2-3 seconds of fame.

Shall I say “Welcome to B-School?” If you think life gets any better, think again. So, you spend the whole day pretending to pay attention in class, well and warding off sleep with frequent trips to the restroom. Honestly, one would think the whole batch had a serious case of bladder control issues. Not to worry – we are all insured!!! A quick trip to the quack ought to cure that.

Phew! The day’s almost over. Can’t wait to go home and take a short (2 hour) nap. Perhaps after that you’d be all ready to do the pre-reading for tomorrow. (Gotta ace that quiz!!) Almost there, but Lo! There comes that inevitable email from AVR, telling you that the marks for the exam you took some 2 months ago are finally out. Wow, about time huh? Reluctantly, you start thinking about checking your grade. But guess what, even before you can click ‘go” there is another mail in your inbox. Aha! Needn’t have bothered after all. The grades are in your inbox, all beautifully sorted and ready for your viewing. As luck would have it, I always have to look for my rank by going bottom up. Wonder why the grades are always in a descending order. Perhaps next time someone will take the initiative to post them in ascending order. Maybe then, I might find my grade in the top 10. Ah, talk about a false sense of security. After all, life is all about relative grading.

Then again B-school is not all about classes, grades and assignments. It’s also about enjoying yourself and making friends. It’s about living with 13 other people in a villa and battling 8 legged creatures. It’s about eating together, and chatting and gossiping late into the night. It’s about fighting for the bathroom. It’s about waking up late and rushing for the bus! It’s about life – learning, loving and growing up!