Saturday, December 24, 2005

Stem Cell Research Stems Controversy

“The resignation of leading stem cell scientist Woo Suk Hwang from Seoul National University in South Korea marks the end of a career which would surely have been crowned with a Nobel prize had it not been tainted by fraud.”
The Guardian

“A scientist today issued an apology as he resigned from South Korea's top university after the school announced he had fabricated results in stem cell research that had raised hopes of new cures for hard-to-treat diseases.”
Associated Press

"It's very sad for science wherever there's a story like this," says Robin Lovell-Badge, a leading stem cell scientist at the Medical Research Council's National Institute for Medical Research in Mill Hill, London. "The people who are against this type of research will jump on it, but that's very unfair."
The Guardian

Why?? The end of a brilliant career? Perhaps. So what makes a person do something like this? The lure of fame, and the call of a Nobel Prize? Who knows? Where-in lays thy fate dear friend?


Unknown said...

Hhhhmmmmmmmm..... I am sure you understand :-)

Anonymous said...

This is a classic case of a person Sacrificing his Passion for Glory. People like them are a disgrace to the entire Human Race. They are those who succumb to the pressure of society's expectations and end up fooling not only the society but also themselves.

Fanaah said...

Every story has multiple versions, but one side of the tale- we'll never know.

NN said...

@purnima: and which might that be?

@Audit: Where the hell is that other cool post you were harpign abt ?!! not that this is not an informative post :)