Tuesday, January 03, 2006

On My Birthday...

Another year passes
Yet time stands still
As I look back over the years
Have I had my fill?
So much to do
Places to go
Do I have the time?
Or am I too slow?
I look back; and I look ahead
So much to be done; so much to be said
My time has not ended
It has just begun...


NN said...

There is the past you evaluate
there is the future you plan
But 'more importantly' there is the present that you must live up!

Happy Buddays darlings :)

Unknown said...

welll..well .. that completes the versifying trilogy .. Reminiscing, Plastic FLowers and now this one :-). Happy Birthday.. god blessss

Quirkilicious said...

@Nani - Sank you babe!!! I had soooper time :)

@666 - I believe its now your turn...

Fanaah said...

Happy Bday!
may you have more cake eating sessions than cake smashing sessions!
N yeah...the year has just begun, too many things to do-some old n some new.
Have a blast!

Quirkilicious said...

@Puri- With friends like you planning Surprise Birthday evenings...what else to do; but sit back and enjoy the fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I thought you were born on the 3rd...well that doesn't give me an excuse for a belated birthday wish here..as always I am forgetful...better late than never...happy birthday...
so you are nearing a quarter? century? :)..

Quirkilicious said...

@Nav-Yep..am born on the 3rd. Dont know why the dates were messed up here. Nevertheless - thanks for your wishes :)
Ps: Still not hitting quarter century...dont make me older than I am!!

Ganesh APP said...

a very belated b'day wishes and a happy new year too...