Monday, May 29, 2006

A Quick Note...

I graduated - finally - again - done!!

Got my first paycheck!!! woo hoo - see me haunting the malls

Going to launch my first product this month

Moved into my new place

Finally managed to find the time to post all this!!


Prmod Bafna said...

Nice to hear again from you! It must feel great to have got the first paycheck!! Cyber party then? ;)

Unknown said...

God Blessss Product !

and ditto its manager :-)

Anonymous said...

so do we get to see the new place ??

Fanaah said...

Hahah got my pay check and have hit the malls too baby. But its just not the same with Audit not around to guide me :(
Was wondering why you havent blogged in so long!
PS-Im back in Bbay on the 24th of this month.

Rajesh said...

Hi Aditi, Congrats!!!...on your first paycheck....I felt on top of the world when I got my first pay check...three years back..:-)...its like I am also worthy to earn money...indulge on this feeling for this whole month...coz u will never ever get that feeling in a life-time again!!!!


Empty Space said...

Hi! My name is Roshni.. I'm Sudhish's friend. I'm doing a PG Dip at the University of Western Autralia and am in the process of writing my thesis. My thesis is on "Community and Creativity in Women's Blogs" and I'm trying to understand women's motivations behind blogging. I have a few questions to ask you, if you have the time! Do let me know and I'll send them across to you but if you're busy, I understand!

Siddarth said...

which product???