Friday, February 24, 2006

Watch Out World!!

Ok, finally the tension, worry and sleepless nights are over - for now! Finally got the job I wanted!

Yepps people, I am very soon to be a junior buyer for the cosmetics division in a local company here in Dubai. Sounds interesting huh? I thought so too!

So apparently I am to be involved in conceptualizing new products, and bringing them to market and shop floor. Should be a wonderful experience for a newbee in the retailing scene. Needless to say I'm excited!

So ladies, if you ever run out of cosmetics - you know who to call!

And for the gentlemen....the company also sells lingerie....*wink* *wink*


Unknown said...

Congratss. Your KOJ for a great career has begun. Hope few more fellas stay back in Dubai.

VK said...

and lingerie eh ?...lemme think !

Prmod Bafna said...

Hey! Congrats!! It's always nice to be finally doing what you wanted to! Sets the energies flowing! All the best! :)

Fanaah said...

Congrats girlllll :)
PS-But if in dubai, i still get the bigger room with the bathroom lolll

Incognito said...

I left a comment yesterday. Dont know where it disappeared! :(

Your job is to shop! What a deal

I remember the lines from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. when Rachel gets a job as the assistant buyer in Bloomingdale. Phoebe says "Its like mother ship is calling you home!"


Anonymous said...

I hear that you and a couple of your lady friends have all been recruited as 'Buyers'. So pray tell... if everyone is gonne be buying in this godforsaken organisation, who's doing the selling????